Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Teddy Bear's Picnic

I was thinking that a picnic at the beach would be nice. These little fellows have had a lovely time in their little boat.
Oh NO!
I have just noticed that it looks as though the quintuplets have all been a little sea-sick over the side of the boat. I have never noticed the marks on the side of the boat before - haha - Perhaps that is why the poor Dada Bear has his paw up to his head. The little black bear up on the post doesn't look all that flash either!
Time to get the heck out of that stinky boat and find a shady tree to lie down under. Shouldn't be long before these squiffy tummies are back to normal and these five cheeky brother's are chasing sea-gulls, splashing in the shallows and ready for a Peter's Dixie Ice Cream or a scrumptious Eskimo Pie. Just the thing to finish off a beach picnic.
Please take the time to visit Melody's House on the side of the hill Blog and all the other bears who have come to today's picnic.


  1. I love all the little ones in the boat.

  2. This is a gorgeous ornament Bronwyn. Cheers Kaylee

  3. Just gorgeous. Love the little story you have told too. Hope they are all having fun at the beach.

  4. What a gorgeous piece and I adore the tiny teddies in the boat. I hope they recover enough to have that ice cream

  5. Hi Bronwyn. It seems like your bears need to gain their sea legs. Love the idea of an ice cream. Haven't had a dixie cup for years!. They are gorgeous ornaments. Did you get them from anywhere special?

  6. Just the weather for a sail today. Love the bears

  7. I love the way you write, Bronwyn. So evocative.
    Thanks for playing.

  8. I got this little Russ ornament when we owned the Teddy supplies shop in Macleod in Melbourne. I just loved the little fellows in the boat. So cute!
    It was such a trap doing the shopping for the shop and wanting one of everything for me.

  9. Very cute story to go along with your very cute ornament .!
